What are the Common Symptoms Experienced by Women with PCOS?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) refers to a hormonal health problem in women of reproductive age. It can cause irregular menstrual cycles, spike up androgen (male hormone) levels and obstruct ovulation. Higher insulin levels due to raised blood sugar levels from insulin resistance is one of the risk factors of PCOS.
If left untreated, this condition can cause complications like infertility, miscarriage, gestational diabetes, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, type 2 diabetes, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep apnoea, unusual uterine bleeding, and endometrial cancer. Simple lifestyle changes, like losing 5% of your weight, mild exercising and following a low-calorie diet, can relieve you of PCOS symptoms.
Treatment options include combination birth control pills, progestin therapy, clomiphene, letrozole (femara), metformin, gonadotropins, spironolactone (aldactone), eflornithine (vaniqa) and electrolysis. Here are the most typical signs of PCOS in women that you must be aware of.
Common PCOS Symptoms in Women
· Irregular menstruation
This is a primary PCOS symptom. You may never or occasionally menstruate. Your period may happen at irregular intervals, including after 16 days or 35 days or 20 days. You may undergo spotting between cycles or significantly light or heavy bleeding. Hormonal birth control options, including the vaginal ring or pill, can help manage irregular periods of women with PCOS.
· Infertility
PCOS complicates pregnancy in one out of five women. Polycystic ovaries tend to increase the production of androgen hormones like testosterone. High androgen levels can prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg, known as ovulation. If you’re below 35 years and unable to conceive after twelve months of trying to get pregnant or after six months if you are above 35 years of age, you may have PCOS.
· Weight gain
Extra body weight is another PCOS symptom. Women with polycystic ovaries might have unnatural weight gain even after exercising or eating less. They might also struggle for weight loss and fail. You may also gain extra kilos around your waist. If you face such problems, get yourself diagnosed for PCOS.
· Excess facial and body hair
Another PCOS symptom is additional growth of coarse or dark hair on your face or body. This is known as hirsutism. Increased androgen levels in women with polycystic ovaries cause this disorder. These hormones induce male sex characteristics. PCOS-related hirsutism generally occurs on the lower back, breasts, lower belly, inner thighs, top of the arms, chin, cheeks and upper lip. Although rarely, it may appear on the upper abdomen, upper back, and chest.
· Thinning scalp hair
Alopecia or thinning scalp hair is a rare but possible impact of PCOS. It appears as male-pattern baldness and you’ll lose hair at your temples or crown or towards your forehead. Your hair may also thin all over the head. However, let your doctor determine if it’s caused by other possible risk factors like an infection, unhealthy diet, stress or endocrine issues such as hypothyroidism.
If you are experiencing the above PCOS symptoms and are unable to manage them with lifestyle changes or cannot maintain a healthy weight despite trying hard, visit the best gynaecologist in Delhi for PCOS treatment.