Exercise mistakes to avoid in Sciatica patients
We all tend to face back problems in some or the other stage of life. Sciatica normally refers to nerve pain in the legs, buttocks and feet; this pain can be experienced if the sciatic nerve — the longest nerve in our body, is compressed or disturbed. If you find the pain in your leg and till your feet, then it is sciatica. The pain which you might experience may range from mild numbness or to sharp pain, or sometimes may also lead to a weak feeling in your legs and feet.
To get over the pain, you are always recommended to go for a few exercises. It is said that exercise helps in recovering the problem at a quicker pace. However, there are few exercises which you need to avoid if you are sciatica patient. Have a look at the below list, which will give you a clear idea of which all exercises you need to avoid.
Lower back exercises-
You need to avoid the exercises which might create a high amount of pressure on the lower back. It is better to avoid dead lift, squat and back extension.
Leg exercises-
Certain leg exercises can also worsen your sciatica. It is recommended to avoid exercises such as leg lifts and leg curls while you are facing down. It will put pressure on the lower back region and thus end up in harming the spinal cord and worsening the condition.
Abdominal stretches-
Stretching out your abdominal muscles can be very harmful.
Bent over rows-
You need to stop doing this because the posture which is maintained creates a lot of pressure on the discs in your lower back.
High impact aerobics-
It includes sprinting, jumping which are known to be the high-impacting motion. Thus it is good to avoid it.
Running wrong-
Cardio is considered as good thing for your health, but if done in a wrong way, then it may cause lower pain.
Straight legged sit-ups:
These exercises have the potential of upsetting the structure of the spinal cord, which then causes inflammation and numbness below your waist. It can even cause permanent nerve damage.
Weightlifting –
It is always suggested that, do not try over weightlifting if you do not get required support to your lower back.
Heavy stretching of the hamstrings:
It puts unnecessary stress on the hamstring muscles and then affects the sciatic nerves indirectly.
So, here is the list of exercises which you need to avoid if you are sciatica patient. If you want to know anything more about the exercises, you can get in touch with a well-known neurologist in Bangalore